Healthy Kids Plan – Supplement
2009 Sept 1st – HealthyKids Plan – Supplement
Oregon is breaking down barriers to health care
Healthy Kids gives uninsured children under age 19 an opportunity to enroll in comprehensive health insurance coverage.
Key Components of the Plan
- Offers coverage to all uninsured Oregon children up to age 19
- Provides comprehensive health care coverage that includes physical, dental, vision and mental health care
- Creates options for families at all income levels
- Builds on existing programs so the supporting infrastructure is in place
- Removes barriers to coverage
- Includes comprehensive outreach programs to focus on reaching under-served communities and multi-cultural groups
- Requires that most children must be uninsured for the prior two months to be eligible
- Provides twelve-months continuous eligibility for children
Plan Benefits
- The OHP Plus benefit package will be available for families with incomes up to 200 percent FPL
- Premium assistance through the Family Health Insurance Assistance Program (FHIAP) will be available for kids in families with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) options up to 300 percent FPL, maximizing employer contributions
- Private insurance coverage
Option for Families without Other Choices
- A new state-sponsored insurance option will be offered for families at or above 200 percent FPL who do not have access to employer-sponsored insurance options
- Families earning 200 to 300 percent FPL will receive premium assistance based on income, but will have copayments
- Monthly premiums and copayments will be fully paid by families earning over 300 percent FPL